Post-EAIC coverage is coming…

Economy Events & Conferences Rwanda

I am back in Kampala now. I have a deluge of information to dig through from the 1st East African Investment Conference. Actually, now that I think about it, I have a lot of posts regarding East Africa in general that are in the pipeline.

It may seem that I’ve abandoned Project Aloe altogether, but in reality there’s a ton going on behind the scenes and the EAIC has been a source of inspiration, and leads, if nothing else.

As soon as I get a moment, I’ll post my latest update in the installment as well. If anything else, I am looking forward to meeting with some of the farmers, since I haven’t been here since the project started last September.

Also, lookout for another post on Diaspora at the EAIC. We [The Diaspora] had somewhat of an introduction at this conference, courtesy of yours truly. I made sure you were all in the mix because your contributions to Africa’s revitalization is much needed.

So, stay tuned. More coverage on the way.

We really could use more volunteer bloggers. Any members of the Diaspora interested?

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