I penned an opinion text for CNN that’s been published. I was asked to comment on the state of the new reality in Africa in light of this year’s WTO Doha round of talks in Davos.…
International Development
Women of Kireka Documentary from Project Diaspora on Vimeo. Cody Punter, our first male intern at Women of Kireka managed to put together this well-done short documentary as his last project with us. Thanks for your…
Villages in Action Press Release
November 24, 2010 Events & Conferences International Development UgandaFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Project Diaspora Presents VIA: VILLAGES IN ACTION CONFERENCE sponsored by Business Fights Poverty and Orange Uganda. Project Diaspora is dedicated to change perceptions about the poor by building a platform whereby the voices…
TEDxPoor is dead: Long live Villages in Action
November 1, 2010 Events & Conferences International DevelopmentOn Saturday, November 27, the microphone will be mounted stage center in this little quaint village. We welcome the world to join us in a frank discussion on the state of poor. We’ll discuss the MDGs…
Calling all Diaspora members working with Information Computer Technology for Development (ICT4D)!
October 21, 2010 Diaspora at work International Development technologyWe got in touch with Loren Treisman, Trust Executive of the Indigo Trust in London. The Indo Trust is looking to support ICT4D projects on the continent championed by members of the Diaspora. Of course we…
World Bank Wants Your Voice: What would you fund to fight poverty? [UPDATED]
September 14, 2010 International DevelopmentThe World Bank is calling for all voices with a video challenge. This according to a posting on their web site: World leaders will be gathering next month to discuss the replenishment of the International Development…
One necklace at a time: charting success for Women of Kireka
August 23, 2010 Diaspora at work Economy International DevelopmentKatherine Lucey at Solar Sister had a great post today about going big in your projects, Make No Small Plans. Earlier in the day, I had challenged her on Twitter to go big or go home…
It seems the debate over poverty tourism is back to the surface again. You know, (at least as I understand it) that debate on wether it is morally right for tourists to wade through slums, snapping…
Last year I was giving a talk in DC. On the way to the venue, I was given a ride to the train station by this Zambian driver. He came to the US as a diplomat…
Thoughts on The World Bank’s efforts to engage the Diaspora for development
August 5, 2010 International DevelopmentI am loving this video interview of Richard Cambridge, Head of the African Diaspora Program (ADP) at The World Bank. I am especially intrigued by the new efforts by the World Bank to tap into the…
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