A couple of people sent me this link on Twitter. My first thought was, as usual, a slow boil of the sort that produces a 1000-word rant in the space of an hour. Since I’ve done…
International Development
In which ONE Campaign responds to George Monbiot: Nuh uh, not true
June 26, 2013 #AfriFAIL International DevelopmentLast week George Monbiot pretty much eviscerated Bono and ONE Campaign in his piece for the Guardian, charging that the Irish crooner and his organization claimed to represent the poor, but in doing so, stole their voice.…
On Miley Cyrus and ‘otherization’ in international development
June 21, 2013 #AfriFAIL International DevelopmentDodai Stewart at Jezebel has a great piece on cultural appropriation in pop culture. Stewarts arguments against cultural appropriation apply to aid and development critique. In the above titled piece, Stewart digs into Miley Cyrus’s latest…
Take a look at this: and then take a look at these two: I know I am late to commenting on this, but I took another look at UNICEF Sweden’s new ad campaign and I have…
We Need a Fixer (Not Just a Maker) Movement
June 19, 2013 Diaspora at work Economy International DevelopmentClive Thompson for Wired: We need, in short, a fixer movement. This would be a huge cultural shift. In the 20th century, U.S. firms aggressively promoted planned obsolescence, designing things to break. Buying new was our…
Taxing innovation for the poor to pay for sins of the rich
June 14, 2013 Economy International DevelopmentAs an advocate for the reduction of African governments dependency on foreign aid to shore up national budgets, I think this is a positive, albeit slight flawed strategy for Uganda to take. For starters, I have…
Young Leaders Forum 2013 from CHRLP on Vimeo. This past March, I had the privilege to spend a week with a group of Young Leaders (YLs) from around the world discussing the tenants of human rights…
Poverty Porn and A New Way to Regard Social Impact | Living on GOOD
June 7, 2013 International Development photographyFellow drummer (and colleague) in the anti-poverty porn messaging brigade, Lina Srivastava has a piece on the aforementioned topic for GOOD Magazine. In a word, it’s… good! Go read it and tell me it doesn’t challenge…
Forbes’ Kerry Dolan has a write up about GiveDirectly, a new highly-backed start-up working to change the rules on how aid is administered, by giving the money to the poor directly. At face value, I have…
I find it disappointing that Mr. Gates would not only conflate my arguments about structural aid with those about emergency or NGO aid, but also that he would then use this gross misrepresentation of my work…
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